A Full Heart

Twenty years ago tonight, I was in a hospital room. Waiting for the birth of my first child, who I knew was already dead. It seemed life was over; I could not see past tomorrow, let alone 20 years.

Today, the 8, 11 and 14 year-olds played in a piano recital and the 14 year-old sang. They had worked so hard for months on their pieces, and were more and more nervous as the day approached. But they played and sang beautifully, and were satisfied with how their efforts paid off. Even though I had heard their music daily for a while now, it all sounded new to me, and lovely. And I was so proud.

Today, the 17 year-old won an All Conference award, the MVP, and a letter for swimming. In his first season. He had worked hard for months on his swimming and was always nervous at meets. But he swam beautifully and was satisfied that his efforts paid off. I've seen him swim a lot this year, but it was always a pleasure to watch and an even bigger pleasure to see him recognized. And I was so proud.

Today, the 18 year-old has spent another day, hard at work, improving her mind and body. She made the Dean's list! She gets nervous and is hard on herself, and won't accept anything less than her best. But she touches things, and they become beautiful, and she takes satisfaction in a job well done, a high test score, a lovely photograph. It's always a pleasure to see what new creation or effort she will put forth. And I am so proud.

Today, the 5 and 2 year-olds were naughty and loving, quarrelsome and snugly, busy being my babies. I take great pleasure in watching them grow and learn and love and explore. I see them all day every day, but each day is new, and they are satisfied with their lives. They are beautiful. And I am so proud.

Twenty years ago, I could not see what God had planned for me.

Twenty years ago, my heart was broken.

Today, my heart is full.


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