Smoked Salmon Potatoes (with allergen free options)

This is a creation my 17 year-old son came up with, based on a dish he ate in a restaurant. And it was so easy! 

Simply bake some potatoes; I used various sizes because I have big eaters and small eaters. My son likes potatoes about the size of a football.

Slice open the cooked potatoes and mash in some sour cream (or Greek yogurt), your choice of cheese, butter, capers, and a helping of smoked salmon. Salt and pepper to taste. That's it.

I sauteed some peppers, onions and mushrooms and served them on the side. I put my veggies in the potato with all the other stuff. This was delicious, and I am so glad my son asked me to make it. This will show up on our menu again!

As for expense, I spent ten dollars on the package of smoked salmon, which was plenty for the 9 of us, but there were no leftovers. The capers will last a few more times, their cost was minimal, and they are a must for this recipe. So, in all, I would consider this meal to be pretty cheap.

Photo cred goes to my son who was so focused on his creation that he didn't see the dish towel and open containers surrounding his plate!

Allergen free alternatives would be to use soy/fake butter and saute the veggies in olive oil. But if fish is an allergy issue, then it's just a simple baked potato.


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