
I have a little boy who loves his daddy. He looks for him first thing in the morning. If daddy is in bed, my little boy gets in bed. If he is reading the newspaper, my little boy climbs into the chair with his daddy. Wherever his daddy is, my little boy wants to be with him. When it's time for daddy to go to work, my little boy has to hug him and wave goodbye. Throughout the day, my little boy asks about daddy: "Why does he have to work?" "When will he be home?" "Will he be home for dinner?" "Is tomorrow the weekend, when daddy can stay home?" He talks about his daddy several times a day. When daddy comes home at night, my little boy's face lights up and he is the one who greets daddy the loudest. He sticks close to daddy and asks him questions and tells him about his own adventures and gets out a game that they can play after dinner. At bedtime, my little boy wants daddy to read a story to him and snuggle in bed. My little boy's world centers around his dad.

What if my world centered around my Heavenly Father like that? What if I looked for Him first thing in the morning and longed to be with Him all day? What if I talked about Him all day? What if I asked Him questions and told Him about my day, every day?

I find myself convicted that in my preoccupation with being a wife, mother, counselor, taxi driver, cook and maid, I forget. I forget that my Father is always waiting, always available, always there to listen, advise, and comfort.

Sometimes, all it takes is a faithful, little child to remind us of big things.


  1. Great perspective, as too often I forget my Heavenly Father in the heat of the battle, when I need Him the most!


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