Caught in the Act

The days pass so quickly here at home. It seems I was just starting out with my oldest three kids just a couple of years ago, instead of being some 17 years into this journey of parenthood.

In an earlier post I discussed my distaste for the word "homeschooling" and so I may slip into it from time to time, for lack of a better word, or to be clearer to those reading this who are new to this way of life. But really, all I am doing is being a mom.

And for all its trials and messes and bad days, there are so many moments that I treasure up in my heart and mind, and, occasionally, on my camera.

I love catching the kids doing mundane things.  Average things. Quiet things. On their own, just being themselves.

The 6 year old reading her Calvin and Hobbes before getting up for a late breakfast. The 9 year old reading a book or building with Legos in his room. The 12 year old reading her Bible or listening to music and knitting, or playing dolls with her little sister. The 15 year old painting or writing or cooking. The 18 year old planning out her day, or singing or teaching herself some new music.

The list goes on. All day long, they are learning and growing (too quickly!!)

Catch them doing life. Catch them in the act. Catch them if you can, momma. Because soon enough, they will leave the nest. And you will have piles of memories!

And so will they.

  Trying out a new recipe.

 See? He even carries his Lego creations and books with him!

A quiet lunch spent bird watching.

Ahh, these days!


  1. I like to believe that when we are able to pause, internalize and appreciate our children we are honoring God and our kids and that we are acknowledging what a true blessing that has bestowed upon us.


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