
The last few months have been full of ruined plans, emptiness and frustration, to the point where I just don't plan anything anymore. Long story, and it's not the point here anyway.

But the Master Planner really pulled one off this week.

The 9 yr old had his adenoids out (OK, that was planned) and I had arranged for my older adult kids to help out around the house while my husband and I were away for several hours.

We left the house at 8:10 and the 21 year old arrived moments later. He plugged in his music to our stereo, cranked it, and proceeded to cook a big breakfast of pancakes, sausage and bacon. The kids awoke to a shaking house and delicious smells. Then he cleaned up the kitchen and helped his 6 year old sister with her math, while the rest of the kids did their schoolwork.

The 23 year old arrived later and settled in to wait to snuggle her baby brother. We got to the house to find the 15 year old cooking a lovely soup with the assistance of his 18 and 12 year old sisters. The 21 year old started a roaring fire for his little brother, who nestled up to the 23 year old on the couch for quite some time. I heated up some bread, and while it poured rain outside, we sat around the fire, listening to music and visiting. The two oldest were engaged in a lively discussion about EMS and police stuff. The other kids were lounging about the family room. The 23 year old took a few siblings to the store for gifts for the patient and to buy ingredients for a hot taco dip. She whipped that up and throughout the afternoon, everyone snacked.

It was like Christmas to me. All the months of uncertainty, anguish and sleepless nights were forgotten for the afternoon. My kids were all in the same room. Just being together. Feeding each other, keeping each other company. No one fought. No one seemed to mind anything. They were all just content with life for a moment- all at the same time.

It was payday. Payback for all the tears and new wrinkles. Payback for heartache.

It was a beautiful sight to behold. I didn't get a picture with my camera, but my heart did.

God cares that much. For me.

The 9 year old is on the mend, with a minor set-back of having the flu with a high fever. The 23 year old came over this morning as soon as she heard we were taking him to the ER to have him checked out. We came home to find her snuggling the 6 year old and the rest of the kids hanging out together. The 21 year old came over and we all had lunch while the three boys played video games and the rest of us chatted.

Twice in a week. Now, how awesome is that? How awesome is our God?  Plenty.


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