Last Day

So here we are, on the last day of another year, and everyone is abuzz over what to do. We have to find just the right activity or party to attend (or host) with just the right people, because it's the last night of the year and it has to be special. Of course, one could argue the same for the following day; it's the first day of the new year, and we should find just the right party and just the right people to celebrate with, right? But what if, instead of celebrating because it's the last day or the first day of the year, we lived our days as if each one were our last? Maybe it's the last day we will see our friends or family members, or maybe it is the last day we will walk this earth. Not to be morbid, and expect to die any minute, but we do not know the number of our days, or those of our loved ones. What would the world be like if, instead of waiting for the big party at the end of the year, we chose to live and love everyday, as it if were the last? Not that we h...